Published Works

I have been the author, co-author or collaborator on more than two dozen published titles in the Miniature Wargame industry with almost all being through my employers Alternative Armies.  This page lays out some of these these published works by brand or system and type.  I have authored books, magazines and fanzines too.  Read on and click on images for links to each title.

The World of Valon

The World of Valon is the fantasy setting of the popular Flintloque miniature wargame system.   I have written the following titles here:  5025 War in Catalucia (with M.White), 5026 Death in the Snow (with M.White), 5027 Grapeshotte and 5028 Bier & Bones.  All are print books.





I have also overseen and contributed half the work to the 5030 Slaughterloo game of Mass Battle set in the same game world as Flintloque the Skirmish.  The Slaughterloo book was co-authored with Alex Draper in 2006 and 2013.


The Ion Age

The IonAge is the futuristic setting for Alternative Armies science fiction miniature games.  I have written the following titles here: IAG001 Firefight 2.0 Killing Streets (with B.Minadeo), ION01 MOTH Prydia Aflame and ION02 Ion Age Handbook.  IAG001 is a print title of booklet and tiles while ION01, ION02 are download PDF titles.  Since 2015 I have been publishing a series called Patrol Angis which focuses on 15mm scale wargaming and expands into all arms and then beyond.  I work closely with Sam Croes in this series.  These are in print and as digital downloads.  Here are the titles published:



HOF Fire Team

This title is a generic science fiction wargame system.   I wrote the fiction and non mechanics text in the core  title:  HOF Fire-Team.   Rules are by B.Minadeo. This is a print title with associated game tile sets.


This title is placed in Alternative Armies High Fantasy setting of Valon.  I have written the following titles here:  HFB01 DarkeStorme.   This is a print title.

Games of Mythology

I have published two titles set in the times of myth.  Typhon is a game of Greek Mythology while Erin is a came of Celtic Mythology.  Both are print titles.

USE ME Series

The USEME (Ultra Simple Engine for Miniature Engagements) series of pocket sized wargame rules for has many titles.  I created the range and the ‘engine’ upon which most of the titles in it use for their basis of mechanics.  There are several authors involved in the series however my own titles include:  UM001 15mm Science Fiction, UM002 High Fantasy, UM005 American Civil War, UM009 Zombie Dawn.  All titles are in print and download formats.

Alien Squad Leader

One of the finest science fiction rules sets in the world ASQL (Alien Squad Leader), now in its second edition was written by Alex Self but I had the great fortune to contribute fiction and layouts to this title.

Age of Might and Steel

An original and quick witted system of mass battles in 15mm scale, the Age of Might and Steel (AoMaS) rules set was written by Steve Hazuka but I contributed fiction and layouts to the title.

Magazines and Compendiums

Alternative Armies produced a short run magazine by the name of Barking Irons.  While the magazine continued in an online format for two years as Barking Irons Online the first two issues were in print with myself as editor and primary content writer.


Alternative Armies produced a printed fanzine called Notables Newspaper for a year and it was my first senior position as a fiction writer.  It is no longer in production.  All editions were in print and are now rather rare!  I also produced the Alternative Armies Compendium.