Sharke’s Horses

“The soles on me shoes are worn so thin Muvver says that I could use ’em as glass in an alehouse window.  I know’s us common Orcs has to trudge while them nobs rides up on Orses like proper officers do.  But that Sharkey…he’s got a nag, and that bog bugger Harpy too.  A sergeant like me, not even a proper sergeant like me, Muvver says so, a sergeant in the ruddy Rifles.”

Mounted Characters

Sharke, Harpy, Piecrust and Wogan on Horses

“Piecrust and Wogan fair enough, them’s proper officers like.  But I will have to  see for meself what Sharkey plans, he’s a sly one.  Perhaps Obidiah can get a look at all of ’em at once…”

Coming on Friday…the full release!