Crows and Ciggy Butts

This morning, as I looked out of my window at 6am, I saw something rather odd that warrants a brief mention.  Most of the birds in Girvan where I live are common gulls, Seagulls the rats of the sky, some other small birds and a colony of Crows which live near the harbour.   What I saw was a Crow sitting across from the window on a nearby roof (no picture sorry, I did not have a camera to hand, the image above is just for illustration) and this Crow had in its mouth three cigarette butts, or the abandoned ends of the smoked cigarettes if you prefer.   It took me a moment to work out what the bird was holding it was so odd.  I then watched as in a matter of seconds it ate all three swiftly and without consideration of what they were or indeed how they must have tasted.

There is no shortage of discarded food in Girvan, much to my annoyance, as people tend to drop whatever they are holding zombie fashion once something else catches their eye.  But rather than any of this left about food the Crow visited the nearby beer garden of the Roxy pub and choose ciggies for breakfast!

What does this mean?  Some sage insight or portent of coming disaster…nah.  Means nothing, just thought I would share this.