GBS is not AWOL

I am still here people!  Yes, I have not posted or blogged or replied to most of my email for a week until now but really it’s not my fault!  Well…mainly not my fault.  Normal service will resume later today with more on Rob Alderman’s Undead Todoroni and then a few more choice and interesting posts.  The reasons…well long and boring really but I have been working on a few things for the far future along with family matters that have kept me from the keyboard and under the grinding stone.

A couple of the messages have asked me how I manage to do all that I do and stay reasonably normal….answer…not sure…perhaps I ain’t that normal!


4 thoughts on “GBS is not AWOL

  1. There’s a lot to be said for not being described as normal, there are many not normal people out there, and it’s done them no harm, like that weird little guy down the road that….anyway I digress….Welcome back.

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