Latest Three USE ME Titles soon to be purchase Downloads

UM007 PDF page one will soon be adding further USE ME titles to its page of purchase downloads.  These downloads are purpose designed files containing seperate colour covers, a full indexed PDF of the rules plus an ‘Ease Print’ version of the same which is optimised for print and does not contain backgrounds, images or dense colours to save on ink.  All wrapped in a zip folder for the great price of only 5.00USD through download partner Oronjo.

I have already created downloads of UM001 to UM006 and also MOTH 28mm science fiction rules too so through feedback I am pretty sure of what gamers want from their downloads and these three new ones deliver on all counts.

The print versions of UM007, UM008,UM009 are on the market and selling well and as promised in February will release the purpose made download versions.

More on this at the right time.