A Little Gift from a Good Friend!


I got a little gift from a good friend.  As you can see it is from foreign fields afar and rather strong in the spirits department at 50% volume.  It is in a wax sealed stone earthenware bottle.  I am a fine fan of Gin and other spirits so I look forward to trying this fine bottle out.  Though I do think I will hold off until cooler weather (its about 27c here just now).  You can learn more about Filliers here and below is some information about the eight year old Jenevers:


Filliers old jenevers are split up according to the amount of time (5, 8 or even 12 years) that the carefully selected juniper berry distillates are left to age in oak barrels.

Stone pitchers containing 5- and 8-year old jenever:

Our malt wine made with maize, rye and malt ages for five or eight years in American oak barrels dating back to 200 l. We blend them constantly in separate barrels with carefully selected juniper berry distillates that have been aged for five or eight years. This guarantees its unique and unadulterated quality and flavour.

Look and taste the 50° Jenever:

Colour: copper, golden brown
Aroma: very sweet and particularly pleasant, complex
Flavour: bitter and sweet, with hints of vanilla, pepper and cinnamon.
Finish: long, bitter with sweetish hints of vanilla.



2 thoughts on “A Little Gift from a Good Friend!

  1. I’m very curious to hear what you think of the drink when you actually get around trying it 🙂 It is one of those spirits you have to drink as it is. No ice, no mixers, just a small glass and savour it with every sip. You can put it into coffee similar to Irish Coffee, though…

    • As am I Mr Croes! No ice…none, nothing to mix in it. I read this on the website but it still shocks me, especially in this heat. But I think its more a winter drink somehow, something to warm the soul in the long dark Ayrshire winter.

      Always time for a summer Gin though. 🙂


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