Festival of Light 2016 Girvan


I had the pleasure last night of attending the 2016 Festival of Light Life Cycles with my family along with close friends.  This annual event takes places in the small Ayrshire sea side town of Girvan where I live and in a procession involving more than a hundred people a trail of light is taken to the sea front.  Children and adults who have spent many weeks making lanterns of various sizes all come together lanterns lit while the excellent Samba Ya bamba band plays at their head.  They walk through the town while the crowd applauds and dances a bit moving alongside the procession.  As you can see from the images it was very bright and fortune was on our side as not only was it dry but it was mild and not even a breeze which anyone who comes to Girvan will tell you wind is a constant here.




The procession featured a hundred, to my estimation, lanterns in various shapes as well as larger battery powered and back pack carried creations such as a glow worm and a white rabbit.  I joined the procession near its end as it moved to the promenade.  This year an excellent development at the sea front with the inclusion of a portable generator and lighting rig making it possible to navigate and proceed easily.  The band marched onto the sand and continued to play while the crowd gathered to watch the straw structures on the sand be lit and burned as a climax to the procession.


Two large ears of corn with a titanic corn lady with halo in the centre.  About twenty feet in height she was lit last as fireworks were let off and the band played.  Many of the photos I took were blurred and no good but these are the best of them and I have enhanced them for low light.  It was a very effective display and my children enjoyed it.  I have put pennies and small change into the collection bottles dotted around the town across the year and was glad it was well spent.



Soon is the Girvan Fireworks event…I am looking forward to that, oh and the Christmas Street Party too.  Excellent.

Thanks for your time.


2 thoughts on “Festival of Light 2016 Girvan

  1. Hi Gavin great report unfortunately we don’t fund raise with bottles for the event .. we have done in the past but this year the funding has come from car boots and grant applications.. our next car boot is on sunday if you fancy a cake and a cuppa . drone footage for the parade shows over 200 lanterns

    • Hello David.

      Thank you and well done on a great event!

      I put my pennies in the bottles when I see them and always the local ones first. I sadly work most weekends and do not make the car boots but I will try this time and hope to see you there.

      Two hundred lanterns is very good. I viewed from the ground and thus could not see them all but I could believe it. I was conservative in my estimate so as not to go over.


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