O.G.Joel agrees to pen USE ME Eldritch Horror


Prepare for Sanity Rolls a’ plenty!

O.G.Joel has agreed to put virtual pen to virtual page and create the manuscript for another USE ME Title.  This time it is off the back of my suggestion that we tackle Eldritch Horror for a set of primarily skirmish rules for 15mm miniatures in the early 20th century with a setting of England and Britain at large.

Those who are fans of ‘Deep Ones’ and ‘Shuggoths’, Cults and madmen will love this set of rules.  With a focus on artefacts and special rules you will be able to equip a team of investigators, police, army or other human characters and have them face off against all manner of mythos and horror.

More details on this as it develops.


3 thoughts on “O.G.Joel agrees to pen USE ME Eldritch Horror

  1. Fantastic news! An opportunity for me to use the Toadec Spawn with some Cultists, maybe the odd Old West model too!

    Hmmm, me thinks there might be a sculpting opportunity here…

    • Hello Rob,

      Thanks for your comment. Indeed you could. Lots of possible uses here.

      If you fancy creating some horrors (creatures that is) then drop me a line and once you are clear of what you are currently doing we could move on this.


  2. Brilliant! Now where did I put my robes and copy of the Necronomicon?

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