Looking at the Naval for USE ME?

Over on the Notables Yahoo Group the esteemed members have been discussing another avenue for the superb USE ME Series to possibly head down.  This time it is the idea of ship to ship actions, historical or fantasy, naval warfare in all its glory.

Off the bat I would say that it could certainly be done.  The USE ME ‘engine’ is very adaptable and I have a fairly good knowledge of 18th century age of sail warfare.  A set of rules written for the age of sail could be cribbed and altered for fantasy and also for the ancient (muscle rather than wind powered) world.  The Elan rating system would transfer to vessels or their crews and keeping the game simple and fun, a core aim, could be done.

Notable group members listed several factors that they would love to see in a set of rules and among them were:

  • The distances involved on tabletop would increase as the technology increased (galleys, galleons, men of war, dreadnoughts, carriers etc).  This affects Elan and human reactions.
  • There is no way to do a standard length booklet set of rules that covers all periods.  Too much variance.
  • A variable wind system that really influences play for sailing ships.
  • Fatigue for muscle powered ships.
  • The Crew of a ship are vital and all depends on them.
  • Solo Play Option.
  • Points system or creation system to develop ships, skills, crews, options.

Craig Andrews of Barking Irons editorial fame suggests a possible Black Powder Fantasy version for Valon setting of Flintloque.  There is most certainly room for this!

But what would always be kept in mind is Kurt Benson’s comment on the discussion thread

“upon reflection I am not sure you could do justice to tiremes as Elan would be everything to combat, from ww2 on becomes dominated by carriers and that would be a mess in a simple set of rules.  world war one is the simplest to do as you don’t have to mess with wind and sail.  glad its not my job to figure out.  I tried to figure out how to do a realistic set of rules for sail for flintloque as I am a huge Hornblower fan and failed miserably. ”

I guess that is why they pay me the big bucks!  🙂


1 thought on “Looking at the Naval for USE ME?

  1. I think that the best way to start creating a naval USEME system is using the USEME 006, Starship Battles. Them I think that we will have to add the wind direction and all that, but for the moderm naval battles, the USEME006SB is your book man!

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