Irregular Magazine

Irregular Magazine Issue 12

Earlier this week I noticed a web address on a customer’s invoice from  That web address was for Irregular Magazine a free quarterly ezine dedicated to all aspects of the wargaming hobby.  So I decided to head on over and have a look at the most recent issue which is number twelve.

Each issue is around the forty four page mark in length and has a theme.  The theme of issue twelve is ‘Heroes and Villains’ and articles within it include fiction, artwork, comics, painting tutorials, reviews and much more all geared towards the mentioned theme.  It was a good read and it was made all the better by being free and being sent direct to my computer by a simple button click.  It took me about an hour to read it through and the layout was very clear and easy to follow.  My favourite part of the magazine was ‘Alaric and the Goths’ by Jason Hubbard (who is also editor of the issue).

I had not been aware of this publication and when time allows I will be browsing the back issues which are all offered online and for free.

Go along and have a look.  I always have a soft spot for the plucky provider and Irregular Magazine is all that is best about wargaming.  It’s got soul.


p.s. I have linked to the magazine in my blog roll so you can use that link too!

5 thoughts on “Irregular Magazine

  1. Irregular magazine! I didn’t know this one was still around!
    Before I returned back into the miniatures hobby through Laserburn and the Ion Age, I went through quite some time of inactivity on the mini-hobby, but before that, I used to check on Irregular quite frequently (those must have been the first couple of issues of it which I read). I remember it as being really impressive for a free magazine, great to see they’re still going, will have to check them out now, and catch up with what I missed!

  2. Hello Sam,

    Yes, it is well worth catching up on. Perhaps you and I can pitch them something to put in the next issue?


  3. Thanks for your kind comments about our mag, Gavin 🙂 Nice to hear about others enjoying what we write!

    We’re always open to content ideas and submissions, so do get in touch!

    Webmaster, Irregular Magazine

    • Thanks for your comment Dave.

      I did enjoy the latest issue and I also enjoyed the one before it, that is as far as I have gotten at the moment.

      I will drop you an email this morning.


  4. Pingback: Article for Irregular Magazine | Gavin Syme

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