Prometheus Movie 2012 – Review

Space Jockey Alien from the back

I went to see Prometheus last night at the new Odeon cinema in Kilmarnock.  Due to work commitments I do not have a lot of time to spend just now on writing my normal longer posts but I will just say that the film was brilliant!

I knew nothing of the plot and nothing of the film beyond rumours and trailers so I went with an open mind to a late evening showing.  The film really is a forerunner to Alien and is very much set in the same universe with many nods to similar characters, technology, species and dialogue as well in the other films.  It helped that I re-watched Alien the night before and it was the ‘space jockey’ that I went to see the film as I have always wanted to know who the ‘big dude in the chair’ was.  Without spoiling it for those of you yet too see it I will say that it left my head battered and bruised as a viewing experience.  It was visceral, it was emotional and it went at a hellish fast pace too.  Many new questions are raised but you get to see the ‘origin’ of the ‘Alien’ and also to see something of the Jockey’s culture and abilities.  Visual effects are terrific but it is down to the director to deliver a first rate movie where plot and characterisation mean way more than CGI ‘bugs and ships’ and Ridley Scott did just that.

The movie also shot and featured Scotland and the landscape of Skye among other places.  Lovely to see it on the big screen.

Prometheus is a great movie which I highly recommend.  I do not agree with the 15 age certificate though, it should have been an 18 rating.  Go see it!

Oh and as always why do supposedly smart people not take care and precautions and insist on trying to touch everything with acid for blood… 🙂


7 thoughts on “Prometheus Movie 2012 – Review

  1. Oooooh! I cannot wait! I’ll have to go and see it!


  2. So glad to see this movie get a good review! Everyone I know that has seen it has been disappointed. I had been looking forward to it, then I got to the stage of wondering if it was even worth it, and now, bam, a good review so it may well go back on the To See At The Cinema list and off the Wait For The DVD list.


    • Thanks for your comment Sharon.

      I loved the film and it is well worth seeing if you have the chance.

      Also well done on your new website, good to see it up and running. I really liked the pictures and some of them made me laugh out loud. Good luck with the novel too. Let me know when it is out.


  3. Finally got to see Prometheus tonight and I loved it. It was masterful in every way. An absolute joy to sit down and hand my brain over to Ridley Scott and get it back a few hours later having experienced LV233 and pondering what it is to be human and how important knowing our origin is.

    Whaddya mean you laughed at my pictures?? Those were my serious ones! ^_^ Glad you liked. I’ve been in touch with Jim and he said you’d directed him towards my site, thank you! Don’t worry, every single person I have ever spoken to will be getting told when my book comes out. I anticipate about 3% of them will like it. It’s a bit odd. (I think the Symes are in the 3%)


    • Hello Sharon,

      Glad you liked it. Knowing our origin is important but knowing our present and future more so.

      Laughed along, not at my girl! Perhaps I will be in the 3%, but when the book is ready I shall get a copy and find out!


      • In one of my blogs (I have written three now, there’s just no stopping me!) I imply that if you don’t like the book you’re obviously a bit of a thickie. It was a very kind thing I said putting you in the 3%, don’t make me regret it 😉

        • Careful lass. Many problems in this world are caused by ‘thickies’ who dislike each others chosen books. But I am looking forward to reading this book once it is ready.

          If you have set up a mailing list for when release occurs put me on it, the email address is on the right column of each page of this blog. That will ‘ping me’ when the time comes.


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