Rob Alderman looks at the Londinium Coach kit


My good buddy Rob Alderman has gotten around to doing a video review of one of the most complex and wonderful sets of miniatures that Alternative Armies has ever created – The Londinium Coach.

His video goes over the contents and ideas of this box set and he is rightly bursting with appreciation for the talents of the designer and the quality of the white metal kit and the booklet that comes with it.  I do not own a Coach at this moment but it is on my wants list and once I have assembled enough Albion Orcs to give the Ferach Elves a right kicking I will be getting myself a set of these sweet wheels.

Oh, and to answer Rob’s question in the video, ‘who designed it’ well I came up with the concept and the structure while Edward Jackson did some rough outlines and then the talented Mark Ricketts sculpted all the parts.  You only needed to read the credits on the inside front of the booklet lad!  🙂

Have a watch.


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