Flintloque Character Calculator v2 by Craig Andrews

I like to fill out my Section Rosters for Flintloque by hand but then I did in large part create the 3rd edition of the game and have been playing since the early days of the mid nineteen nineties when pencil and paper were all that was to be had.  However these days many players of the game want to fill rosters digitally or virtually on the screen before printing them out or using them as PDF on a mobile device.  So how do you do that then….

Well wonder no more since web guru and general boss level handy man Craig Andrews (he of Orcs in the Webbe and Barking Irons Online fame) has created something awesome with that very purpose in mind.  A spreadsheet programme that allows rosters to be filled on the screen and then used in play.

The virtual roster covers all you will need in a game of Flintloque that must be filled out and shown from experience levels, weapons, modifiers, names down to notes and player name too.

Go along to the article on Barking Irons Online and download it.  I have given it a go and its spot on!


p.s. Yes, I know this happen a while back but I just got around to it!