Rob Alderman has a video look at HOF Fire-Team

Congrats to Rob Alderman, talented painter and miniature sculpter and all around good guy, for posting up a video review of HOF Fire-Team on his Voodoo Orc channel on You Tube.  He read a posting by the rules author of the game Bob Minadeo in which Bob pointed out that despite being playtested and bought by hundreds of 15mm sci-fi wargamers he had yet to see any review of the rules.  Well I like to read independent reviews (or watch them as in this case) and also had through it odd that there were no reviews of HOFFT while USE ME has had at least a dozen I know of.

Rob says he will be doing more posts about the game and perhaps even a couple of live play through examples too. Plus possible hobby articles like my own ones on TTWG blog about HOFFT tiles and scenics.  I look forward to this!

I have known Rob for about five years now and he always impresses me as a designer and as a person.  Keep up the good work lad!

Oh, and congratulations also to Harlequin Han on getting a 1st in her Fine Art degree…she is too good for the likes of you now Rob 🙂


1 thought on “Rob Alderman has a video look at HOF Fire-Team

  1. Hey Gavin
    Thankyou for uploading this video!
    As for Hannah, yes indeed she is too good for me, but I am all too aware of that! I’m very lucky indeed. 🙂
    Thanks again,

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