Voice of BBC Radio 4 news retires….

Charlotte Green hard at work

Today is a little sad for me as a voice I have known for nearly twenty years is retiring from BBC Radio Four.  Charlotte Green has been the voice of news reading on that most fine of stations for quarter of a century, longer than I have listen to it.  Radio Four, I think, is the finest information based station in the world and while it will continue on and there is a stack of talent still there it will not be the same for me.  Early in the morning her voice said ‘wake up and get to working’, in the day it said ‘take a break and have some lunch’, the evening saw ‘press on and get that piece finished’ and the bulletin at ten at night said ‘that’s enough, time to quit’.   Last year another loved long term voice, Harriet Casse, also left the station.

Oddly enough Charlotte was and is very camera shy and right up to lunchtime today I had no idea what she looked like!  She only appeared on screen for a few seconds but it was nice to put a face to the voice.

Happy Trails Charlotte and if they ask you back please say yes!


A Chocolate Factory themed Birthday for the Warrior

This post is a day late but yesterday was a long and hectic day so here we are; late but unrepentant!  It was my youngest son’s forth birthday and he, the Warrior, was determined that it was to be themed around his most favourite thing in the world…Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl.  The lad loves this tale.  He has both the films, the audio book, the novel (though it is his brothers copy and he cannot yet read it!) plus clothing and everything else he can get his hands on for it.  So a party on this line was the order of the day.

chocolate factory cake

A Cake fit for a Prince! Custom Made and very impressive

I have to thank my good lady who frankly made all the effort with this birthday and the party.  I do not have a lot of free time (wargamers hunting Flintloque miniatures can do that too you) so she designed and ordered custom invites, the fantastic artist’s cake (above) and she made what were frankly professional grade party bags made to look like they were from the Wonka Factory.  These included candy canes and ‘re-wrapped’ cadbury bars in Wonka Wrappers.  The attendance at the party was twenty odd, no more would have fitted in!

wonka bars

Little Wonka Bars!

wonka party bag

Home made but Professional looking Wonka Party Bags

The wee guy was spoiled by his friends and family, when you are four its what should happen, and after unwrapped a pile of pressies he toddled off to bed and was out like a light!

warrior 4th

I’ve been up for fourteen hours now!

So well done to all involved.  The Warrior will remember this party and that day for a long time to come.  But as an aside…what he really wanted for his birthday, two things.  Firstly a little DVD player so he can watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in bed and…of all things…Eve Hallow to come round for some cake!  Eve did so but cake and kiddies and the living dead don’t really mix!


The Shepard and his Flock

The Warrior Shepard

The Warrior Shepard

After yesterday I will admit to a bit of a case of nerves when I attended my youngest son’s nativity play at Girvan Nursery (which is attached to the primary school) but I am happy to say that there was no drama off stage at all.  The Warrior, above in all his finery, played a Shepard.  He is not the actor that my middle son appears to be and much prefers his toy soldiers (not white metal, just a one pound bag of green and grey plastic ones!) and and pop guns but he put on a grand show.  Singing, clapping, miming the actions.  He is smart as a button which was plain to see as he reacted quickly to instruction and made no errors during the performance.  I enjoyed the show…it always reminds me of a horde of little goblins arms and legs flailing madly as they tumble around in a cloud of dust.  Pure madness in the best possible way.

It was a little sad for me though as that was my last nursery grade nativity play 🙁 .  The Warrior begins school next summer and he is my youngest so that is that for the nursery with all three of them passing through its excellent caring hands.

On a separate note the image below makes me smile.  This is the Warrior in his day to day mode as it were.  Just as popular as his brothers.  He handed out his birthday party invites for January today (before school breaks up)…I had to get thirty made to meet the list of those who want to come!

The Warrior and his Fans!

The Warrior and his Fans!


The Fall of King Herod

The Thinker injured in the Festive Wars!

Its been a big and accident prone day for the Syme family for you see…today was my middle son’s Christmas play at school and he had been cast in a leading speaking role as Herod…but…he had a fall.

Girvan Primary is a great school and my feelings in this were reinforced again today by this accident.  It was totally my son’s fault, in putting on his golden costume he tripped and banged his head.  He is fine but a scalp injury was the result and those as you will know bleed profusely.   Myself and my good lady were already in the school and about to take our places in the audience when we were called to him.  The staff had made him comfortable and were fussing over him and as the picture shows he had a bandage on his head.   I was rapidly told of the incident and what had taken place with a high level of professionalism.  I drove the lad to the Girvan Hospital where he got the best of attention (local hospitals with A&E departments are a wonderful idea!) and was checked over without any delay.  He wanted to return to the school to tell his class and teacher he was fine so we did.  All of his friends were frankly ecstatic to see him and not less than six different members of staff stopped us and checked on him by name and how he felt.  Girvan Primary is indeed a super school.

So my son missed the play and his chance to shine on the stage at least.  But shine he did.  I was so proud of him stoically sitting while he was examined without a peep and polite to a fault to all the teaching and medical staff he encountered despite the visible pain he was in.  It also made me realise more (as I do not spent any time normally in the school) than ever just how central to his class he actually is.  “There is a lot of potential in his noggin and it would be a shame to dent it further.” I head this a dozen times in an hour.  He even insisted on us cleaning and returning the golden costume to the school!

Tomorrow is my youngest son’s play….perhaps I will get to see this one 🙂


Girvan Festival of Light and Fireworks 2012

The Fantastic Four!

On Saturday evening the annual Festival of Light was held in Girvan.  I had been building up to this as a big part of the festival is the procession of hundreds of children from one end of Girvan to the beach front and the sea; each child has a self made lantern.  In special after lessons classes in school or at workshops held in the town these wood and thick paper lanterns, each with a candle within to light it up, are assembled and then sent home for the big night.  My eldest ‘The Thinker’ had made a lantern, as he has done since he began school, while my middle and youngest had not.  So after dinner we set out wrapped up to the nines against the cold for a couple of hours of unique fun and community spirit.

The Procession of Light moves out!

Girvan is not a big town but it still amazes me how many children it contains.  As the crowd began to build I lost count at maybe four hundred youngsters plus the same again or more of adults.  There must have been easily a couple of hundred lit lanterns which on top of the ones created by the kids had a dozen or so much larger lanterns in the shape of birds, windmills and other structures.  The weather was kind, dry, no wind and not really even that cold (I remember 2009 when the ice formed on my coat as I stood watching!).  It took about half an hour to assemble the ‘battalion’ to marching orders and to get us under way to the sound of a drum based band.  The procession made good time through the town and to the beach front where a large crowd was waiting for the next part of the evening…the fireworks!

Fire and Light!

It was not easy to get images at the time of the fireworks as not only was it pitch black but the whizz pops and bangs are hard to capture.  The picture above  is fairly good taken by my darling wife.  It shows the fireworks exploding over the water plus the display on the beach.  Each year a series of wooden structures are built on the sand and then to music and video display are set alight.  It is a great show and lasts for about fifteen minutes.  My children loved it and cheered and wooped as the fires raged and drums hammered all to the staccato cracks and booms of coloured lights in the sky.

All in all it was a fine way to spend a couple of hours and in an age of austerity it was excellent to see the town put on a show that is all paid for by the people themselves by donation.  Here is to next year…if you are near, then come on by!


Ammo-Pak Gift from Canada!

I can’t shoot ’em, I ate all ma ammo!

A few weeks ago (yes, that is how far behind I am running on posts!) my very good friend of long standing, Edward Jackson, artist for Flintloque sent me a gift which he had picked up for me in Canada while he was there.  Now Edward is a very smart and fine fellow and not for him the typical t-shirt or baseball cap…oh no.  This was going to be something different and themed to what he knows I love…cartridge and shotte!

A pack of Sutler Cyrus’ Original War of 1812 Bicentennial Ammo-Pak Cartridge Candy.  As you can see from the above image it has several items in it.  Hard Candy Musket Balls which look like gobstoppers, Black Powder Candy which might well be crackly or such and lastly the cartridge itself which is a fruit flavoured cylinder of powder.  Yum!  As I have a head cold just now I will not be eating it for a while, as what would be the point if I could not taste it.  Lastly a little nodding head Moose which is not part of the pack but is great fun and will join my shelf of holiday gift permanence which already has American, Japanese, French, Portuguese, Indian and a few other nation’s trinkets in its ranks.

Thank you for the gift Edward!


B.B.King the Life of Riley

The great B.B.King

Coming out in a few very lucky cinema’s this week is a biopic of the greatest living blues man B.B.King (sorry Mr Guy you are a close second to me).  I will not be able to see this film until it comes out on DVD but for now I am content to watch clips and listen to my collection of his music.  Those who know me know that I am a big fan of the Blues along with vintage Prog-Rock and other music of the 1950’s-1970’s but my love of this music comes from my childhood and, thanks to my father, a visit to B.B’s club in Memphis when I was a young teenager.

The film by GFM Films is titled The Life of Riley being a play on the old phrase plus that is actually Mr King’s first name.  It features interviews and so on along with live footage and a lot of the man himself looking over a life and career that has spanned way more than half a century.  Follow the link in this paragraph to learn more on this and see some stills.

Below I have put a clip from the film which you can enjoy but it makes me a bit sad really that I have never seen him play and likely I never will.


Fjodin’s SHM Aliens for October 2012 – Naming Ceremony

Fjodin’s new 15mm Miniatures for the SHM Range

I have known Fjodin (I call him Nick) really since the first month after the SHM Range began on 15mm.co.uk.  A young and fierce design talent he lives in Australia and though we have never met we speak fairly often by email and I enjoy his blog too.  He has taken a real shine to the creatures of deep space and told me quite a while ago that he intended to sculpt as many of them as he could manage so that his vision of alien life would make it to the wargaming world.  This is what the SHM range is all about.  I doubt any miniature company except 15mm.co.uk (I am very responsive to industry and customer feedback, just read this ) would have looked at what will end up being a dozen unarmed creatures of all types and said ‘we will take a risk on these’.  It is a shame that a lot of existing and new 15mm ranges consist of nothing but more ruddy human soldiers in powered armour.

My plan is to release all of Fjodin’s designs into SHM as single miniatures but also as packs for wargamers and even just painters to pick up and adore because they are quite simply lovely.  Examine the image above, each of these creatures could very well be treading or oozing across the dirt of a world under a different sun right now.  In wargaming terms they will all feature in my next USE ME project ‘Alien Safari’ which is a solo game system seeing a group of hunters or soldiers trying to capture or evade random critters.  Fjodin actually inspired me to want to write this set of rules based on these creatures.

Fjodin left it up to me to name these creatures and so I have done so right here on this blog.  They are, from left to right, as follows:

SHM44 Nessian

SHM45 Slurmite

SHM46 Avarep Cobra

SHM47 Galdor Burrower

The miniatures in the picture were painted by Eve Hallow and he did a great job I think as he had no idea and no instructions from myself or Fjodin on what these critters looked like!

These SHM codes are out at the end of this week on 15mm.co.uk.


Happy Birthday my Dearest!

Edward Jackson’s birthday card to my good lady

Should I compare ye to a rather soggy and windy autumn day?  No I should not.  I should compare you my darling to the greatest of things and the best of me.  Happy Birthday and I hope you had a super time even if you had to put up with me for a whole weekend (see previous posting).  The day showed how adored my kind and loving wife is with so many messages online she took hours to reply to them all and dozens of cards and small gifts as well as those presents from myself and immediate family and close friends.

Eve Hallow’s birthday card to my good lady

While her birthday was only one day (Her Majesty is the only person allowed two birthdays of course) I had purposefully extended the experience to nearly a week with little treats and adventures all the while.  I did what I could and I think it was appreciated.  When the kiddies returned from their weekend away I got the picture below and that sums up the mood better than any words.

A fly kiss for the Poet and the Warrior

Happy Birthday my Dearest!


The Poet is Pupil of the Week!

Who could not love that little face eh?

When he finished school and emerged blinking into the sunlight my middle son ‘The Poet’, who you might remember was a couple of  weeks ago moved up a whole grade in a day, handed me another achievement!  This time he had won ‘Pupil of the Week’ at the school.  While this happened last week, just like ‘Senior Student Badge’ I have only just now got around to it as I will go into in coming posts.  To win pupil of the week for his whole year so soon after being moved up is no mean feat let me assure you.  So pride blooms once more in my chest.

Well done my son!