Alisa Craig finds a buyer at last!

The Granite Milestone that faces Girvan

A constant view on the horizon for me each day is the isle of Alisa Craig.  This solid granite plug sits in the sea off Girvan and has done so since the eruption of a massive volcano in the very dim and distant past.  It’s stone was and still is used to make curling stones renowned the world over and its home to a mass of Gannets and Puffins too.  Due to the extremely changeable weather that Girvan gets being where it is you can, if you are there are the right moment, get some superb images of the ‘Tunnocks Teacake’ or ‘Paddys Milestone’ with cloud formations.   This image above was taken by my good lady while out on a walk.  I have posted it here in a large size so feel free to copy it and use it for a desktop image or such if the mood takes you.

Anyhow the reason for this little post.  One of my news feeds told me that the little island of Alisa Craig has finally found a buyer.  Its been up for sale for many years and it seems to be a British based group for possibly ecological reasons.  You can read about it here.  And before you ask…it was not me…I haven’t got 1.5 million sterling in my account, not quite!


2 thoughts on “Alisa Craig finds a buyer at last!

  1. Gavin,
    You do know you are leaving me with a huge choice here.
    GlenBarr Abby which I have now have as my desk top or change it to the big rock which I call it.


    • Hello Bob,

      A big choice indeed. I would stick with your goal just now. If you want a fab picture of the big rock I will take one for you on a nice day and email it over. I could even put the AA logo on it!


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