Villiam Bedsforc the Bombardier – ‘Bange Off!’

Villiam Bedsforc. Ladies and Ale...its his bag baby!

It is now May and since Tony Harwood unintentionally released VLE12 Bombardier Bedsforc on his excellent blog back in early April you could say he caught me napping!  What with me not intending to release the miniature until the middle of May.  You can see a picture of the laddy above as rendered by Edward Jackson, resident Valonian artist.  What with Salute and the much higher than expect level of orders pre and post the event it has taken me about two weeks longer than expected to get around to the insert and scenario for this character but now the time is at hand!  So I am on time, ahead of time and behind of time depending on how you look at it.

The scenario is called ‘Bange Off’ and concerns the Bombardier, his ale and his glory  for Albion and the family brewery.

During the  week beginning 7th May the Alternative Armies website will be updated to include full details for VLE12 and the scenario will appear on Barking Irons Online in due course!


2 thoughts on “Villiam Bedsforc the Bombardier – ‘Bange Off!’

  1. You’ll be telling us next that you’re not felling well. It is a good job that we are all on top of things or nothing would ever get released!!!!!!!!

    Seriously – great to see the new image by Edward and I look forward to the new scenario.


  2. It’s like you can see the future Tony! 🙂

    We all keep working away and in the end great things make it to release.
    I am sure you will love the scenario once it appears on BIO.


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