Rim Mercenaries Concepts – 15mm.co.uk

Way back in the way back when…well 2009..a new pack of miniatures was added to the HOF 15mm Science Fiction range over on 15mm.co.uk.  This pack was HOF54 Rim Mercenaries and though fairly plain it has many uses and has been a good seller for the company.  You can see a picture of this pack below (the pack contains ten pieces mixed from three poses).

15mm.co.uk and I choose which new miniatures to make based on the main upon customer requests.  I get many messages saying ‘can we have variants of this’ or ‘some new that’ or ‘this would be cool’.  So I tote them up and the top two or three get commissioned and become white metal reality!

This time has come again in time for April 2012 releases and this time it is the Rim Mercenaries who are up for expansion with a possible eight new poses being considered.  Here an an extract from a conversation between myself and O.G.Joel (author of UM003, UM004, UM007 all in USE ME ).

One thing I’d love to see in 15mm.co.uk’s miniature range is some expansion for the Rim Mercenaries and Post-Apocalyptic Survivors (my second and third favorite ranges, respectively, after the Greys of course). They’re excellent figures, and I could very easily fit them together with my QRF BTR-70’s (the Mercs look Russian, after all), but what they’re missing are good command and heavy weapon packs to spice them up. I think that their expansions should be relatively conservatively armed with low-tech weapons – RPG-type rockets and heavy machineguns for the Heavy Weapons pack; a Merc Commander, Comms Officer and maybe a few Squad Leaders for the command pack.

By the end of this chat we had all decided upon a Command and Support Pack to be designed the sculptor who created the original three, Elton Waters.

I will keep you all informed of progress.