Typhon Hoplite added to my collection!

This week I made the first addition to my personal wargame collection for quite a while.  I had been really busy with getting the latest three USE ME titles out and onto the market and as a result my own hobbying had taken not only the back seat but really the boot (or trunk if you prefer).

So with this in mind and with me own paint brushes gathering dust from inactive use I went along to Painted-Miniature.com and got my hands on a 50mm scale Typhon Greek Hoplite, code TY03 (only 9.00GBP).  You can see the fellow above in this post and lovely he is too.  Stood on a 40mm wide round plastic base he was delivered to me totally finished so I am able to get him right into play against my Hydra, Shades and other mythological goodness.  Painted with acrylics and with a matt varnish (I do not like silk finish if I am honest, makes photos a bugger to get right) he is armed with a Spear and a Shield (Hoplon).

I think I might be getting more pro-painted as requests for my time in writing have meant less and less gaming.  In fact if you take out playtesting it comes down to almost nil since last summer.