Doctor Who Audio – The Sword of Orion – Review

On occasion great bounties can be found in charity shops if one is lucky and I was indeed lucky a few months back.  While waiting to return to the pre-arranged meeting place where my good lady and her friend expected me I dallied in a branch of Oxfam and amid the ranks of objects I spotted some CD’s.  Most of the time it is the kind of turgid rubbish that I find it hard to believe appeals to anyone but was I wrong this time.  I saw a case with the Big Finish logo and it was a Doctor Who audio adventure from about ten years back called…The Sword of Orion.

I listened to the adventure over a week in the car and even stopped and sit to listen to more of it!  It was very good.  Paul McGann to me is a superb Doctor Who and does a great job driving the tale forward while I also adore India Fisher’s voice as the character of Charlie Pollard.  It had all the elements of my favourite kind of Who story; hard sci-fi, space, monsters, action.  The villains of the piece are the Cybermen who lurk and then strike aboard a mothballed battle cruiser in a space scrapyard.

The story gave me a lot of ideas for wargaming scenarios and I recommend it for wargamers and fans of Doctor Who as well.  There are nine other adventures in this series and this one is the second in the list.  I may well get myself more of these…but the chances of finding them in the charity shop….low indeed!