Over on the Alternative Armies blog which is one of the onlines places which I organise and run there is a short but great posting about a brand new version of my Flintloque 3rd edition wargame rules. What’s so different about it? Well its been translated into Italian which is excellent as it means the community of wargamers in that lovely land can now play and read in their native tongue. Go HERE to read more and to download it if you want to have a look.
Flintloque is adored by thousands of wargamers all over the world who enjoy something unique and with humour but without all the high prices and often soul lacking materials that some other wargame systems have. I am seen as the father of the community and its a great place to be. There is a lot happening for the game during the rest of this year and this version of the lite rules is just an awesome bonus. Ciao!
Thanks Gianmatteo!