This is a rather special post as it is not about me! It is a short account of the trip my eldest son, ‘The Thinker’, took to the south of England two weeks ago (yes, it has taken me this long to get to it!). This trip took him on nearly one thousand miles of road and not only to the Uk’s biggest military modelling show but also to a famous garden centre and the site of one of Europe’s most pivotal battlefields too. While I have written most of the text here anything that appears in italics is by his fair hand and straight from the horses mouth as it were. So without further ado..the Thinker’s English Adventure!

Sunny South!
After leaving Scotland with his grand parents on Friday morning the Thinker headed for Folkstone. I had to get up very early and then I sat in the car and watch all of the films I had on my DVD player. It was a really long ride in the back seat but I had fun and I got to eat in the service station for lunch and then a ‘beefeaters’ for my dinner. It was warm and sunny on the Saturday morning and you can see me above sitting on a bench.

Smile though your glue is drying…
Saturday 22nd September was Euromilitaire day (well one of two!) in Folkstone and the Thinker got to go along with the throng! This is the largest military modelling show in Europe and he was under instruction to bring me his loving father some scenics and bits and bobs back from the show. We got there early and I was excited (but you would not know that from my tired and stern face above!). It was very, very busy and I took a photo of the hall which you can see below. We spent hours looking at everything. My favourite things were a scale model handmade of the Millennium Falcon from Starwars and a special unique figure (150mm) of a space man in his armour. The spaceman is in the second picture below. I had a good time and want to go again!

The Hall all Athrong!

Spaceman in Armour
The Thinker had a big day and as you can see below he likes nothing more than planning out his grub for the next morning. I was tired after the show but my Papa insisted that I go to bed early but not before choosing my breakfast from the menu. We stayed at the Premier Inn and it was really nice and comfortable. My Gran said that now we had been to the show it was time for us to do some things she wanted to do. So I got a big sleep and was ready for more!

Decisions, Decisions!
On the Sunday the happy trio headed along the English coast and visited a few places including Battle Abbey at Hastings where he learned a bit about Saxons and Normans. It was raining all day and I got wet a few times, but I enjoyed the Abbey and now I know about Harold and his eye! There was no Battle but then I was told I had missed it by a thousand years! Once we left Hastings I had lunch and then we went to Gran’s favourite place the nursery at Great Dixter. I don’t know much about plants and flowers and neither does daddy! Gran enjoyed this a lot and we saw lots of insects like Bees. That is me below at Battle Abbey and Great Dixter.

Abbey Tymes

The sprout among the plants!
With the trip nearly over the Thinker spent most of the Monday travelling back to Girvan with a brief stop in Nottingham to visit his most favourite Uncle James. I did not see him until I picked him up on the Tuesday from school since his Gran refused to give him back!
I had a lot of fun and I learned a lot on this adventure and I would do it again. It was great to see the models and the battlefield and Uncle James too. Thanks Dad for letting me type on your blog! 🙂